Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 2016 - IVF #5, Trigger Time!

So my estrogen is plateauing and we have a couple 20+ mm follicles, which makes it go time!  Tests today went well, and I got to see my doctor in person, which was reassuring.  As promised, here's some data:
Round 5 blood test and ultrasound results
We have a total of about 7 follicles that are over 10mm as of today, but 1 of them is the "inactive" follicle on my left ovary (hard to tell which one it is now), and only 5 of these are in good range for retrieval of mature eggs.  Dr. S said he would like to see us get 3 good eggs out of the retrieval, given what he saw today.  He will unfortunately be out of town this weekend, so I will have a different doctor doing the retrieval.  Queue the revolving door sound effect as more people get up close and personal with my lady bits.  Sigh...modesty was out the window long ago, I'm afraid.

Here's another bit of interesting data (if in fact you, like me, consider data to be interesting):
Comparing the estrogen trends across all my rounds
This shows that my 4th and 5th rounds have the best and second best estrogen trends, followed closely by the trend from round 1.  And also, that my round 3 was 20 full days of that was a long round.

So tonight I will take 3 shots at exactly 10:00:00pm.  2 Ovidrel shots and 1 Lupron shot.  Tomorrow morning at 10:00am (at the office, yay!).  If you recall, these are for inducing the final maturation of the eggs over the following 36 hours, so they can be retrieved at their best possible state and ready for fertilization.  My retrieval is scheduled for 9:30am on Saturday.

Next week is the week of waiting.  I'd rather they just keep me under anesthesia until they know the outcome, honestly...

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