It's 6:30pm and Michelle hasn't yet called. I'm beginning to think that "tomorrow" really meant "Monday", or something else has intervened and prevented her from calling. I'm still a little hormone crazy, but it was on speaker phone, and when she said, "Tomorrow", I asked, "Really? Tomorrow?" and she said, "Yes." Michael is my witness...
Sigh... So unless she calls this evening by, say, 9-ish(?), I think we will have to wait until tomorrow to hear the verdict.
I've been moderately anxious today, and never strayed too far from my phone. Every so often, I'll check to be sure I don't have any missed calls or voicemail that might have sneeked by me in the last, I don't know, 10 minutes.
I passed the time reading two books. One recommended by an IVF friend late last week (Thanks, Erica!!) entitled Every Drunken Cheerleader: Why Not Me? by Kristine Waits. A really humorous, and somewhat spiritual perspective on enduring and surviving infertility. It is a great read not only for the person / couple going through it all, but for those who support them. Lots of great chapters on what it's like, what to say that helps, and shows through her own experience how the roller-coaster of emotions and sanity is REAL, people! I laughed. I cried. It was really worth the read. A copy is en route to my mother's house and will arrive tomorrow! Quote that sticks out most to me today: "...sometimes God narrows your chances to prove to you that He is the one winning." Praying that's true...
My next read is focused entirely on the lighthearted side of infertility, written by a stand-up comedian named Lori Shandle-Fox. It's called Lauging is Conceivable, and so far I'm only on the first chapter, "Loss of Mind: The Only Guaranteed Side Effect", and it's fantastic. This woman is hilarious. In all my posts, "IVF" now stands for "Isn't Very Fair"...just for future reference.
Both of these are short, and not terribly heavy, which is perfect for me and possibly for the interested observer. I need to see the lighter side and laugh about as much of it as I can.
Ok. 7:07pm. Still no call. I will update later if it comes...otherwise, I guess we will find out tomorrow! Argh...
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