Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 2016 - IVF #3, Embryo 2 Failed

Our second embryo from round 3 degenerated on day 7 (Saturday). We knew it was not likely to succeed from day 3 when it was only 3 cells and fairly fragmented, but it was still disappointing to get the official confirmation. They are each a part of us and have been the focus of so much energy and hope. There were some tears, but there always are when we lose one along the way.

We are very happy to have added one to our frozen inventory, now totaling 2. This is still a big success for us. 

Michelle said the earliest we would likely hear back on the genetics for our newest blastocyst would be Monday, June 20. A little over a week. And it can take up to two weeks.

I did allow myself for a short while to think about the wonderful, albeit more remote, possibility of this third one making it. With 3 we could have considered trying a single transfer to see if we could get lucky with our first one, leaving 2 for later use. With just 2 at this point, even if the genetics come back normal, we are leaning toward another round. 

Once we know, we will set up an appointment with our RE and regroup on the strategy. In the meantime, we wait. Wait for genetics and, less exciting, wait for my period to come (can't start the next step without that happening...TMI? If so skip the next paragraph). 

The latter has been made exceptionally uncomfortable by the heavy hormones used in this process. So bad after round 2 that I stayed in bed for the first 36 hours doubled over in pain. The nurse says it's normal, so I'm just going to have to deal. As the hormones come down, it usually kicks in about 7-10 days after retrieval for the average woman, but has been 15 days after retrieval for me each time. Perhaps because I'm on the higher dosages. 

At any rate, for now, we are between cycles, and I'm taking a reprieve from the NFD. I will still go to my weekly acupuncture sessions, which will help me deal with the anxiety and stress of all the waiting. That and the occasional chocolate milkshake! 

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